Night at the Blue Rocks!
On Tuesday, June 20th, join us with the Notre Dame Club of Delaware at the Blue Rocks for Irish Heritage Night! Don't miss the pregame festivities -- Dr. Robert Penna '89 will be throwing out the first pitch!
Tickets are $15 through our group sales code with $3 of each ticket sold benefiting the Anthony Penna Charitable Fund. Game time is at 6:35 p.m. (gates open at 5:50).
1. Go to https://bit.ly/APCF_GroupTickets or bluerocks.com/group-portal.
2. Type in the group password: BRNDCD23 and click "LOGIN."
3. Choose the Section where you'd like to sit (I or J) and click "BUY."
4. Select your seats and click "CONTINUE."
5. You'll be prompted to login or create a Glitnir Ticketing account to purchase your tickets.
6. Once you are logged in, select "SUBMIT ORDER"
7. When your order is submitted, your tickets will be in your online account and you will receive an email confirming your purchase. You can print your tickets at home or have them scanned on your mobile phone on the day of the game.
We hope to see you there!